FIS is governed and funded by its Board:

The Board of Trustees is responsible for directing the affairs of FIS in accordance with its mission.  The Board has delegated
responsibility for the day-to-day management and operation of FIS to the FIS Secretariat, overseen by the Executive Director.

Will Davies
Will DaviesYoung's Seafood
Will represents Young’s Seafood, the UK’s biggest specialist seafood brand.
Melanie Siggs
Melanie SiggsChairperson
Melanie Siggs is a director at the Global Seafood Alliance, an Ambassador for the Iceland Ocean Cluster and an honorary professor with Heriot-Watt University.
Marcus Coleman
Marcus ColemanSeafish
Marcus is the Chief Executive for Seafish, the public body supporting the UK seafood industry.
Steve McLean
Steve McLeanMarks and Spencer
Steve is the Head of Agriculture and Fisheries at Marks and Spencer, one of the UK’s leading retailers.
Andrew Wallace
Andrew WallaceThe Fishmongers’ Company
Andrew is Director of the Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust, sitting on several boards relating to UK fisheries management.
Dave Parker
Dave ParkerSainsbury's
Dave is Head of Fisheries and Aquaculture for one of the UK’s biggest retailers, Sainsbury’s

Membership of the FIS Board of Trustees is open to any organisation that meets the requirements of membership (listed below). 

Members will be approved by the sitting Board of Trustees. For more information, contact FIS Executive Director, Kara Brydson.